Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What? My parents lied to me?

Come on, it's not like I don't already know it, but they really did lie to me.  About a lot of stuff.  And I fell for it.  Things like, "You can't have dessert if you don't clean your plate."  Hmmm....maybe this led to the life-long battle with weight.  Or maybe the classic, "If your friends were all jumping off a bridge, would you follow them?"  Let's see, will it end the lecture any sooner if I do?  My mom and dad were notorious lecturers.  Growing up, lectures in my house could last an entire year if they thought it would get me to clean my room.  But, like any teenager, I ignored what they were saying, so I thought.  And then I grew up and had children of my own.  Yet somehow,  right smack dab in the middle of my thirties, I'm  hearing their words again, as if they are standing next to me, whispering in my ear.  Except it's not them.  It's me!  Throwing it all back up for MY kids to suffer through on what seems like a daily basis...just like they did!  There have been many times when I have heard my parents words spewing from my lips, but, as of late, it's impossible to escape!  I know we all do it.  We all become our parents, eventually.  Mine weren't all that bad.  Great, actually.  I relished my childhood. I had many freedoms (and many groundings for enjoying them a bit too much).  So, I'm not here to bash my folks for how they raised me or for being too strict.  I'm here because very early on, my 3 beautiful children taught me that this journey called parenthood isn't what it's always cracked up to be.  In our home we cope with life's struggles and savor it's joys with humor.  A lot of humor.  I couldn't stay sane a day without it.  So, this blog is about how my kids and I get through this crazy thing called life.  Oh, and I get to learn a few things along the way...

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